Three days later, Director Clavell initiates the Treasure Hunt, an independent study assignment where the students of the academy journey across Paldea in order to find something that they can call their own personal treasure. They are also contacted by Professor Sada S/ Professor Turo V, Arven's mother S/father V, who reveals that the Koraidon S/Miraidon V the player now travels with was originally under their possession, and asks the player to look after it. In Mesagoza, the player saves a girl named Penny from being harassed by members of Team Star, a group of delinquent academy students accused of bullying. An academy student named Arven identifies the Pokémon and hands its Poké Ball to the player.Īs the player and Nemona make their way to Mesagoza, she introduces them to the Terastal phenomenon and arranges for the player to receive a Tera Orb so they can utilize the phenomenon as well. While exploring Poco Path, the player encounters a weak Koraidon S/ Miraidon V, which saves them from a pack of angry Houndour. Despite being a Champion-level Trainer, Nemona also takes one of the starter Pokémon in her care in order to train a new team alongside the player. The academy's director, Clavell, gives the player a choice of one of three starter Pokémon and introduces them to their next-door neighbor and the head of the academy's student council, Nemona. The player character, having just moved to the Paldea region with their mother, now lives in the small settlement of Cabo Poco and prepares to start their studies at the Naranja Academy S/ Uva Academy V in the region's biggest city, Mesagoza. It is a DLC expansion for the games consisting of two parts: The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk. The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero was revealed during Pokémon Presents on February 27, 2023. The game was announced worldwide on Pokémon Day, February 27, 2022, at 11 P.M. All copies of the game are playable in nine languages: Japanese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Korean, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese. The games were released on the Nintendo Switch worldwide on November 18, 2022.

Pokémon Scarlet (Japanese: ポケットモンスター スカーレット Pocket Monsters Scarlet) and Pokémon Violet (Japanese: ポケットモンスター バイオレット Pocket Monsters Violet) are the primary paired versions of Generation IX. Pokémon Violet's boxart, featuring Miraidon Pokémon Scarlet's boxart, featuring Koraidon For the Trading Card Game set under this name, see Scarlet & Violet (TCG). For the Trading Card Game set that uses this abbreviation, see Supreme Victors (TCG).

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.